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Nova tentativa de golpe

Atualizado: 10 de jan.

Gostaríamos de informá-los sobre uma nova tentativa de fraude por meio de e-mails falsos enviados pela suposta Prioresa Ir. Mary Elizabeth Schweiger OSB. Se alguém receber um e-mail desse tipo, não o responda nem acesse a página da Web indicada no mesmo e-mail. Trata-se claramente de um golpe. Pedimos que você seja cuidadoso. Abaixo está o e-mail que alguns superiores receberam:

Dear Father

I am Sister Mary Elizabeth Schweiger OSB, Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters of the United States.

To learn more about our Priory, please visit our website:

Every year, Our benefactors helped us to raise funds and our wish is to share the fund with other religious communities or organizations to support their work.

That is for this reason, I am contacting you to find out how we can send you our contribution to support your work .

If necessary, I can send you an official letter with the letterhead and stamp of our Priory

I remain at your disposal for any further information.

Peace and Blessings

Sr Mary Elizabeth Schweiger OSB



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