Welcome to the new AIM website - The InterMonastery Alliance.
✅ The site is available in French 🇫🇷, German 🇩🇪, English 🇬🇧, Spanish 🇪🇸 and Italian 🇮🇹.
🕐 The site will soon be available in Portuguese 🇵🇹.
Ananias Training Programme

Training for French-speaking monastic formators.
This course is inspired by the English-language Monastic Formators' Program that has been running in Rome for several years.
The ‘Ananie’ Course is the initiative of Mother Marie-Madeleine Caseau (osb, president of the congregation of Sainte-Bathilde) and Sister Marie Duffaux (osb, priory of Martigné, France); it takes up and adapts this programme for all French-speaking Benedictine and Cistercian monasteries. It therefore welcomes brothers and sisters from Europe, Vietnam, Africa, Madagascar, etc.
Duration: three months.
Who takes part? Monks and nuns whose superiors think they have what it takes to fulfil the role of formators. Registrations are open to monks and nuns who already have some monastic training and community experience.
Content: Monastic life and the Gospel (the disciple of Christ lives with the Word); Saint Benedict; the Psalter; history of monasticism; spiritual guidance; community life; human development; psychology and spiritual life; liturgy as a monastic experience with integration during the course of the celebration of Holy Week, etc.