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Actualités (152)

  • Solemn profession in Naši Paní

    On March 25, 2025, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Sister Francesca Mráčková made solemn profession at the monastery of Naši Paní (Czech Rep.). Sister Francesca was born in 1984 in Prague (Czech Rep.). She entered Naši Paní in 2015 and made first profession in 2019.

  • New Superior at Alloz

    Mother Pilar Germán, Pontifical Commissary of the community of Alloz (diocese of Pamplona, Spain) since 2014, offered her resignation as Pontifical Commissary to the Holy See in September 2024, in view of an affiliation of the community of Alloz to the community of La Palma (diocese of Cartagena, Spain). On March 11th 2025 the Holy See accepted her resignation, and approved the affiliation of Alloz to La Palma according to the legislation accepted ad experimentum by the General Chapter of September 2022. By this affiliation, Mother Carmen Jesús Serrano Ruiz , abbess of La Palma, becomes the major superior of the community of Alloz.

  • Monastic Commissary at Brialmont

    On 11 February 2025, Mother Marie-Pascale Dran, Abbess of Brialmont (diocese of Liège, Belgium), presented her resignation to the Abbot General in accordance with vote 29 of the General Chapter, September 2022. On 4 March 2025, the Abbot General, with the consent of his Council, accepted it and it became effective 18 March 2025. On 18 March 2025, at the request of Dom Xavier Frisque, Superior ad nutum of Orval and Father Immediate of Brialmont, the Abbot General and his Council, in the name of the General Chapter, suspended the exercise of autonomy of the community of Brialmont and appointed Mother Marie-Pascale Dran as Monastic Commissary of the community (Cst. 34bis.1). The appointment became effective immediately.

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Other Pages (24)

  • Friends of the monasteries | AIM - L'Alliance Inter-Monastères

    Friends of the Monasteries The association Friends of Monasteries Around the World (AMTM) is closely linked to the AIM. The AMTM was born from the intuition of the father of Floris (OSB), former abbot of En Calcat and president in 1969 of the AIM to involve the laity in the action of the AIM VISION The AMTM is the secular arm of the AIM. People who feel concerned by the work of monasteries come together to support this action and thus participate in the development of the communities and populations around them. ACTION The efforts of the AMTM aim to promote projects supported in close connection with the Benedictus Foundation, sheltered by Caritas France as a legal support allowing all the advantages of tax recognition. MEANS The AMTM is an awareness association. She publishes a letter to present the projects of the monasteries which are supported in particular by the Benedicus Foundation. She would also like to organize conferences and meetings. History of AMTM The AMTM was created in the great breath of renewal sparked by the Second Vatican Council and its constitution Lumen Gentium which insists on the participation of the people of God. From its inception, our association has aimed to participate for more than 50 years in monastic development through the prayer of its members and the collection of donations. It is a tremendous explosion of foundations that emerged from the 1960s on various continents. Between 1969 and today, more than 600 monasteries have been founded. Sometimes they are tiny communities and develop very slowly, other times monasteries develop and can in turn found a new community. We are happy to participate in this development. AMTM Newsletter: No. 173, Advent 2024: AMTM173 .pdf Download PDF • 990KB No. 172, Autumn 2024: AMTM172 .pdf Download PDF • 1.23MB No. 171, Easter 2024: AMTM171 .pdf Download PDF • 1.74MB No. 170, Lent 2024: AMTM170 .pdf Download PDF • 1.13MB No. 169, Advent 2023: AMTM169 .pdf Download PDF • 518KB Become a member Head office: AMTM, 7 rue d’Issy, 92170 Vanves President: Jérôme de Leusse Make a donation through Fondation Benedictus Make a donation If you wish to make a donation and receive a tax receipt , you must send this donation to Fondation Benedictus, as indicated below: • By credit card Online By bank check payable to: Fondation Benedictus to be sent to the address: Fondation Benedictus c/o AMTM 7 rue d'Issy - 92170 Vanves Fiscal advantages The Benedictus Foundation works under the aegis of the Caritas France Foundation, founded by Secours Catholique. The Caritas France Foundation, recognized as being of public utility, allows you to benefit from tax deductions for the IFI and IR, on your donations and generosity.

  • AIM aacounts | AIM - L'Alliance Inter-Monastères

    AIM accounts The largest part of the AiM budget is reserved for donations for monasteries living under the Rule of Saint Benedict in continents other than Europe and North America. Here we say the latest statement of AIM accounts. Please note that secretarial costs are very low.

  • Organization | AIM - L'Alliance Inter-Monastères

    Organization The statutes of the AIM were established in 1966 (see printed text Ius Proprium Confoederationis Benedictinae, 1985) and revised in 1996, 2002 and 2003 and submitted for approval to the Council and the Congress of Abbots in 2004. Organisation and staff The Statutes of AIM were established in 1966 (see printed text in Ius Proprium Confoederationis Benedictinae , 1985), revised in 1996, 2002 et 2003 and submitted to the approval of the Council and the Abbots’ Congress in 2004. President: Dom Jean-Pierre Longeat, OSB Secretariat : Sister Christine Conrath, OSB Council and Executive Committee (representatives of Benedictine Confederation and Cistercian Orders) International Team The AIM Council: – It is kept informed of, discerns with and accompanies monastic communities in their daily life and development. – An annual two-day meeting takes place each year in a different country in order to make the work of AIM known and understood by the monasteries in the region. Members: Abtprimas Gregory Polan OSB; Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori (General Abbot of OCist); Dom Bernardus Peeters (General Abbot of OCSO); Sr Lynn McKenzie OSB (moderatrix CIB); Fr William Skudlarek OSB (Director of DIM); Fr Lluc Torcal OCist; Abt Maksymilian Robert Nawara OSB; Abt Maximilian Neulinger OSB; Sr Metilda George, OSB; Sr Ann Hoffman OSB (Executive Director) AIM USA; Prior Gregor Brazerol OSB; Abbot Guillermo Arboleda OSB; Abbot Armand Veilleux OCSO; Prior Peter Egwrugjakpor, OSB; Mother Anna Brennan, OSB; Mother Franziska Lukas OSB; Dom David d’Hamonville OSB; Fr Javier Aparicio Suarez OSB; Sr Lumen Gloria Dungca OSB; Abbot Jean-Pierre Longeat OSB (President of AIM); Sr Christine Conrath OSB (Secretariat of AIM). AIM Council in England, 2022. The Executive Committee: – Delegated by the Council to make decisions concerning the requests made by the General Secretariat at and discussed by the International Team. – It meets twice yearly, in May and November. Members: A nun (Sr Lumen Gloria Dungca OSB); a Cistercian monk (Fr Lluc Torcal OCist); a Benedictine monk (Fr Javier Aparicio Suarez OSB); the President of AIM (Abbot Jean-Pierre Longeat OSB) and a Secretary (Sr Christine Conrath). The International Team: – It is a consultative body composed of members chosen by the President. They take a personal interest in the life and development of monasteries on specific continents, know the communities well, visit them frequently and keep in touch on a regular basis. They also encourage collaboration and meetings between monasteries. – 3 meetings are planned each year. Members: Fr Mark Butlin OSB; Fr Geraldo Gonzalez y Lima OSB; Abbot Paul Stonham OSB; Dom Armand Veilleux OCSO; Fr Andrea Serafino OSB; Sr Regina Tesch OSB; Sr Thérèse-Benoît Kaboré OSB; Fr William Fennelly OSB; the Président of AIM, Jean-Pierre Longeat OSB; Sr Christine Conrath OSB. The International Team, in 2023. 

 The Secretariat: – This is the central body of AIM, coordinating the collection and distribution of funds and all the requests that are made. At its headquarters take place the meetings of the Bulletin Committee, the International Team, the Executive Committee and the Association of the Friends of the Monasteries (AMTM). – The work of the Secretariat lies essentially with the Secretaries who manage the finances of AIM, supervised by a Finance Manager. Secretariat Offices. The President: – He coordinates every aspect of the work of AIM. He represents AIM at all meetings to do with AIM as well as the organizing the Bulletin and the Website. He takes part in most of national and international monastic meetings. He is responsible for all this to the Abbot Primate and the AIM Council. – His mandate is for a period of five years and is renewable. The decision rests with the Abbot Primate after consultation with the other Orders and the Synod of Abbot Presidents.

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