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The monastic dream

Every community living according to the Rule of St. Benedict should feel challenged by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Fratelli tutti on fraternity and social friendship. In the following text, AIM (Alliance for International Monasticism) offers these communities some help in analysing this text and in reflecting on this theme in community. It has always been the goal of the AIM, indeed, to analyse the impact of social evolution on our communities of monks and nuns.


An Introduction

A call to dream

The monastic dream

Francis' global theological vision

Integral ecology

Cultural Revolution

Today's challenge

The people of God

Suggestions for community reflection and discernment

Discerning our community life in the light of Evangelii gaudium

Examining our community life in the light of Fratelli tutti

I - Facing the shadows of a closed world

II - Facing the stranger on the way

III - Thinking and managing an open world

IV - A heart open to the world

V - Political and economic systems

VI - Dialogue and social friendship

VII - Pathways to renewal

VIII - At the service of fraternity in our world


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