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The Mirror of Monastic Life

This short paper began as informal discussions amongst members of the International Team at AIM led by the President, Abbot Jean-Pierre Longeat. Our thoughts have been collated and are presented here to encourage the dialogue taking place in all communities, large or small, on all continents and in the most diverse circumstances, concerning the challenges facing monastic life today as lived by those following the Benedictine Rule and tradition. Perhaps some of what we say does not reflect the situation in your country or region, in your community or congregation. Nevertheless, we hope that it can be helpful in discerning the way that God is leading us today through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and Christ’s call to follow him on the way of St Benedict. We offer these reflections with humility as a springboard.



The general state to the world and monastic life today

1) Community

2) Leadership

3) Formation

4) Vocations

5) Work

6) Economic and Financial Stability

7) The monastery’s place in the local Church and in society


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