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Ampitiya (Sri Lanka)
[May 2024]

French courses in Paris

Sri Lanka - Monastery of Ampitiya, OSB

Project 3535 - French courses in Paris

The Sylvestrine congregation has been present in Sri Lanka since 1875 (Kandy). This was its first foundation outside Italy. The growing number of young Indians joining the community made it possible to found rapidly in India. The priory at Ampitiya was set up on the outskirts of Kandy in 1927 and became the Mother House for the other houses that flourished from it in Sri Lanka. The community is made up of forty-four brothers, including seven temporary professed monks and two novices. The brothers grow rice. They are involved in pastoral work, running parishes and a retreat centre, as well as schools for the children of the poorest families.


Brother Shreen is currently studying for a doctorate in sacramental dogmatic theology at the University of Sant'Anselmo (Rome) for the academic years 2023-2026. His studies require him to have a high level of French in order to be able to access French publications relating to his doctoral subject. The brother is enrolled at the Institut de Langue et de Culture Françaises (ILCF), in Paris, for three months of intensive courses starting in June 2024. He is staying at the Paris Foreign Missions. Financial assistance is needed to pay his rent.

Financial support requested: 3,000 euros.

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