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BECUEA association (East Africa)
[May 2024]

Sessions of Formation for young brothers and sisters

East Africa - BECUEA association

Project 3577 - Training sessions

BECUEA (Benedictine and Cistercian Union of East Africa) brings together the Benedictine and Cistercian communities of Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. Its current president is Father Abbot John Baptist Oese Imai, of Tigoni (Kenya).


Two training workshops took place in 2023:

  • a workshop for novices from June 7 to 11 at the Cistercian monastery of Butende (Uganda) brought together 35 young people from six communities on perseverance in monastic life.

  • A workshop for the temporarily professed from July 15 to 28 at the Benedictine missionary sisters of Tutzing in Nairobi (Kenya) brought together 50 participants from eight communities on the themes of Benedictine spirituality, canon law, community autonomy, protection of minors, social media, etc.

The financial participation of the members of these sessions was not able to cover all the costs incurred.

Financial support requested: 8,600 euros.

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Session for novices.

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