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Cebu (Philippines)
[May 2024]

Leadership Course in Rome

Philippines - Monastery of Cebu, OSB

Project 3576: Leadership Course and the Rule of St Benedict

The Cebu monastery was founded in 1999 and recognized as dependent in 2005 on the Makkiyad monastery (India). These two communities are part of the Sylvestrine congregation. The brothers are around ten.

The place welcomes many groups of young people and many people who come to make pilgrimages to the statue of the Child Jesus.


Fr. Gerby will be taking part in the Leadership and the Rule of St Benedict course in Rome from 30 June to 19 July 2024.

This formation course is a joint educational project of the Universities of St. Gallen in Switzerland and St. Anselmo in Rome. This course is a joint educational project of the Universities of St Gallen in Switzerland and St Anselm in Rome. Unprecedented developments are transforming monasteries and making leadership much more demanding; this course is designed to help brothers and sisters better assume their responsibilities in community.

Financial assistance would be necessary for registration and travel costs.

Financial support requested: 2,000 euros.

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