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Teok (India) [November 2024]
Improvement of the boarding school
Project 3630 - Monastery of Teok (India)
Improvement of the boarding school (painting, tiling, generator)
The monastery of Teok (Assam, north-east India) was founded in 1999 by the conventual priory of Makkiyad with the aim of bringing a Benedictine presence to the north-east, establishing a school in the service of the Lord and responding to the needs of the tribal people. Since then, the brothers have worked with the local people, establishing a school in 2002 and a hostel in 2009 for the financially poor, particularly Adivasis and tribals. 983 children now attend the school. Around twenty Adivasis are admitted free of charge to the boarding school. In 2021-2022, the school has been awarded fifth place in the Assam region, and good ratings from the Chief Minister of Assam.
The brothers have an earnest desire to give accommodation to more students in our hostel in the future. The students at the hostel are almost freely given education in the school and accommodation and food at the hostel. It is partially a RCC building and half of it is thatched but flooring is rough cemented. The brothers wish to provide students better living facility by tiling the floor and painting the building. And the school is in bare need of a generator as the temperature is too high here these days and the school is located in a remote area and thus there is often regular electricity failure which affects the normal functioning of the school.
Requested amount: 16,116 euros.