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Caxambu (Brazil)

Building a protective wall

Project 3451 - Building a protective wall

Abbey of Maria Mãe do Cristo (Caxambu, Brazil)

Seven sisters from the Belo Horizonte abbey left to found the abbey in 1973. Until 1975, they lived in a farmhouse that had been lent to them. They then embarked on a bold project to build a monastery in a place where there were no roads, water or electricity. The water problem lasted until a benefactor offered a well on his land and an electric pump to collect the water.

In addition to its handicrafts (cards, liturgical vestments, biscuits, etc.), the community has a guest house for people who want to spend some time in silence. They continue to contribute to the development of this very isolated region. In addition to running water, they have brought to the region good practices in the upkeep of natural areas and help those most in need.


A few years ago, the sisters began building a protective wall at the rear of the property to consolidate the sloping ground and prevent accidents. Due to a lack of funds, most of the fence is still made of barbed wire, which does nothing to prevent the surrounding population from entering and stealing or vandalising the sisters’ property, nor does it prevent animals from circulating (dogs, cattle, wolves, etc.). As insecurity increased, the sisters wanted to continue building the wall (foundations and breeze blocks, height: 2.90 m, total length of the site: 1,600 m) over more than 100 metres.

The project is co-financed by a Brazilian charity, a fundraising campaign and a number of benefactors. Financial support is needed to supplement these donations.

Financial assistance requested: 20,000 euros

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