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Every year, AIM receives a large number of requests for help for various projects from young communities (outside Europe and North America). Around sixty of these proposals are accepted after examination by the Executive Committee.

Our latest projects

Rayagada (India)
[May 2024]

Rayagada (India)
[May 2024]

Buying a tractor

Irundu (Uganda)
[May 2024]

Irundu (Uganda)
[May 2024]

Acquisition of tanks to store water

Manila (Philippines)
[May 2024]

Manila (Philippines)
[May 2024]

Purchase of a vehicle for medical purposes

Lolo (Chad)

Lolo (Chad)

Acquisition of bakery equipment

Benedictines and Cistercians Association of Nigeria
[May 2024]

Benedictines and Cistercians Association of Nigeria
[May 2024]

Meeting of Formators


As has already been said, training is a priority for AIM. There is no shortage of requests for help in this area: lots of scholarships, but also lots of support for local studiums and regional, national or international gatherings.



When a foundation joins a country, it requires buildings adapted to ongoing transformation. Projects to help found a new community and to build or renovate are therefore presented here.



When a community settles somewhere, it is inevitably concerned by the living conditions of the surrounding population. It therefore generally creates development activities in agriculture and the development of natural spaces, even in the ecological approach, in health and sometimes in education. There is a social duty here that communities have always been keen to honor.



The Rule of Saint Benedict specifies that monks and nuns will truly fulfill their vocation if they live from the work of their hands. It is therefore important for communities to develop lucrative projects in order to gain autonomy and solidarity also with those who are more in difficulty. There is no shortage of manual, intellectual or artistic activities in the communities. It is important to support them.


Meetings and Assemblies

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Meetings and Assemblies


Communities often need to acquire or change a vehicle for their own needs or those of surrounding populations who can benefit from their help. This is particularly the case for isolated monasteries or those which have an economic activity which requires such a means of transport.

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