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Press from Abbot President of Subiaco Congregation

On 14 November 2024, I made a fraternal visit to the Abbey of Keizersberg in the context of the canonical visitation that had been open since 2022. From 14 to 18 January 2025, two Visitors concluded the canonical visitation open in this monastery. After my visit, on 18 November, I established a Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of Abuse of Adults, composed of experts in canon law and people experienced in dealing with reports of transgressive behaviour, and I extended its tasks by a Decree of 24 January.

Having received the acts of the above-mentioned Canonical Visitation and the report of the Commission, the conclusions of which I accept, I can communicate the following:

  1. I have ordered an Extraordinary Canonical Visitation of all the monasteries of the Flemish-Dutch Province (Dendermonde, Affligem, Steenbrugge and Doetinchem/Slangenburg), with the aim of examining the situation of each community, of assisting them in their immediate and future journey, and of ensuring that the structures of governance (of each monastery and of the Province) are effective. The work of the visitation may continue for several months.

  2. About Affligem Abbey:

• There is no concrete evidence of abusive behaviour constituting a criminal offence. The small number of monks in the community presents canonical and structural difficulties for the government and for paying attention to the personal fragilities. The Congregation is keen to address and resolve these difficulties.

  1. About Keizersberg Abbey:

• The common life of the monastic community remains suspended, and each monk retains his residence imposed by me on 18 November 2024.

• The Prior-Administrator has completed the period for which he was appointed Prior-Administrator on 30 September 2024. Until the canonical visitation decides on the matter, the ordinary and extraordinary administration is reserved to the Abbot-President.

• A monk is temporarily suspended from the ministry of deacon because of a formal defect in his ordination to the diaconate, pending a decision by the Dicastery for Divine Worship. According to the report of the Commission, the President of the Abbot is obliged to present the entire dossier of the monk to the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (DIVCSVA) for a decision. In the meantime, as a precautionary measure, he is forbidden to exercise any public activity as a Benedictine monk.

• All the monks continue to live in his present residence and the Extraordinary Visitation will have to verify his present and future situation.

  1. About Doetinchem/Slangenburg

• According to the report of the Special Commission, the Abbot of Doetinchem is suspended from exercising his office as a precautionary measure and is prohibited from exercising the priestly ministry in public, also as a precautionary measure. Meanwhile, his file will be sent to the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life (DIVCSVA) for a decision.

  1. The canonical measures decided upon are precautionary and not punitive. They are temporary measures that suspend, but do not suppress, the exercise of a ministry until the competent Legislative Authority reaches a conclusion.

  2. The investigations and visits carried out in recent months have revealed a situation of personal and structural fragility which affects the monasteries of the Province in various ways and which has led to inappropriate and inadequate attitudes. For the sake of clarity, I can state that none of the allegations investigated so far concern the sexual abuse of minors. The allegations relate to transgressive behaviour between adults. I would also like to stress three points:

a. The sadness, shame and pain caused to the victims, to whom I offer my sincere apologies and make myself available within the limits of my possibilities.

b. My determination, as President of the Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation, to continue the process begun at the beginning of my ministry, which has now been completed with the announcement of the Extraordinary Canonical Visit and the precautions already taken. I also express the full availability of the Benedictines to collaborate with the judicial authority.

c. This trial highlights the shortcomings in the lives of some people and the failure of some government structures. At the same time, however, we must take note of the fidelity, goodness and self-denial of many other monks in living out their vocation to serve the Church and society.

As I said in November 2024, I am aware of the gravity of my decisions and the pain they may cause. However, I consider them necessary in order to offer light, truth, justice, reparation and hope to all concerned.

+ Ignasi M. Fossas

Abbot President of the Sublacense-Cassinese Benedictine Congregation

Rome, le 11 February 2025


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