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Liturgical meeting

From 23 to 27 September 2024, the OCSO Liturgical Commission and the OCist Liturgical Secretariat met in the Italian monastery of Valserena to work together.

The first day was a study day on the topic of "Sacrosanctum Consilium" and "Desiderio Desideravi" under the direction of Prof Pierangelo Muroni (Urbaniana, Sant'Anselmo), in which Abbot General Mauro-Giuseppi Lepori OCist also took part.

Photo: Sr. Karla Gonçalves (Wrentham, USA), Fr. Thomas Aquinas Thái Văn Dũng (Phouc Son, VN), Prof. Pierangelo Muroni (Sant’Anselmo, Urbaniana, Guast), Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori OCist (Abbot General OCist, Guast), P. Hugues Chapelain de Seréville (Cîteaux, FRA), Madre Maris Francesca Righi (Abbasse Valserena, ITA, Guest), Sr. Judit Fejérdy (Kismaros, HU), Sr. Patrizia Girolami OCSO (Valserena, ITA), P. Ruben Lacón (Azul, ARG), Fr. Coelestin Nebel (Stiepel, GER).


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