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Kunnambetta monastery raised to the rank of simple priory

Updated: Sep 23, 2024

The Central Commission, meeting at San Francisco de Mostazal, Chile, in June, and acting as Plenary Council of the Abbot General (ST 80.I), considered the request of M. Dominique Graulich, abbess of Soleilmont, the founding house, that the foundation of Ananda Matha Ashram, Kunnambetta (diocese of Calicut, India) be raised to the rank of simple priory.

Having heard (a) a report on the history and current situation of the community of Kunnambetta; (b) the favourable opinion of Dom Damien Debaisieux, abbot of Scourmont, Father Immediate of Soleilmont; and (c) the favourable opinion of the ORIENS region, presented by Dom Raphael Shioya Hisashi, titular prior of Oita and co-president of the region, on June 10th 2024, the Abbot General and his Plenary Council, in the name of the General Chapter, voted that Kunnambetta be raised to the rank of simple priory.


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