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Flooding at Benaguacil Abbey (Spain)

Updated: Jan 4

News from the Trappist nuns after the floods in the Valencia region (Spain) :

We are fine. The electricity was repaired yesterday. The nearby villages are catastrophic. There are still many cars piled up and garages with people trapped and dead. Many families have lost their homes and almost everyone has lost their car. More than one village is without electricity, water and food. The military and buses with many volunteers from all over are already accessing the worst affected places.

Two rivers overflowed and the water came suddenly and flooded everything in 15 minutes without giving time to escape. When everything is cleaned up, there will be many more dead. It is most likely that we will welcome families in our Masia.

It was a blessing that on the 26th I took Sr. Agripina to the Monasterio Asistencial and on Monday the 28th the whole crop of quinces arrived in Murcia, to the warehouse where the whole harvest has been sold. On the 29th the catastrophe began.

Thank you very much for your prayers.

Mother Maria Encarnación, Superior


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